Friday, November 16, 2012

So I Registered For My First Marathon...

Yep! You read that correctly! I took the plunge yesterday and registered for my first 26.2 mile race. Am I going crazy? Probably. LOL! But, I couldn't resist the urge to step up my game since I love a challenge and proving to myself that I can do anything that I set my mind to do. And believe me. This will definitely be a true test of mental and physical prowess as the day gets closer.

Oh? When and where you ask? Well, I decided to change my original plan, which was to run the half marathon portion of the Anthem Richmond Marathon in Richmond Virginia. I am currently a member of the National Black Marathoners Association (NBMA) and our 8th annual group meet/conference will be held at this particular race event on November 16, 2013. The trip was a scheduled event that I was looking forward to attending anyway. I just bumped my race plans up a bit.

For a few months now, I've been contemplating when and where I would run my first marathon someday. I'm not a huge fan of crowded races and wanted something a bit smaller and as close to home as can be without it being in my backyard. Several members ran Richmond this past weekend and had a lot of great things to say about the race. I figured this would be a great fit for me and I won't have to worry about that feeling of "being alone out there" which could happen while running my first marathon. I will be amongst my NBMA family so I'm confident I won't have those moments. There will also be a lot of NBMA members doing this as their first 26.2 and that's a plus as well. I've read more negative experiences when runners choose large scale races as their first event; especially if running it alone. The crowds can be overwhelming and adding that to an already intimidating feat, can be cause for a terrible experience.

So, for the next year I'll work on my weight loss goals, total body strength, and following a novice marathon training program to prepare me for this endeavor. I'll also continue to seek advice from some of my good friends from the Runner's World Online forums/facebook page and NBMA. This will not be about time. My main objective is to run this race comfortably and remain injury free so that I can finish strong. Hopefully enjoying the experience enough to run a second marathon another day. I really don't want this to be a "one and done" moment. Running has changed my life in so many ways over the last year and a half. I went through a difficult time (heartbreak) and really needed to find something to keep me going. I'm glad to be on this journey and look forward to all the adventures coming my way.

By the way! Keep an eye out for my blog posts in the near future. I'll be documenting my quest for the 26.2 mile marker once my official training begins in July! Wish me luck!

Happy Running!

Next blog post: Running - Exactly How Has It Changed My Life?

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