Friday, June 22, 2012

lolofit Does it Again - 13.1 and 26.2 Style!

YAY! I'm sooo excited for my fellow runners with iPhones who are app geeks like me! I found out last night that the makers of the C25K and C210K app that I used when I first began running, have FINALLY completed their Half Marathon and Full Marathon (26.2 coming soon) running apps, again using the Jeff Galloway method. These new apps come from my favorite developers at lolofit. I honestly have to say that they create some absolutely fabulous training programs that allow you to customize to your liking. Whether you are a first timer or if you are a seasoned runner looking to improve on your race finish time and achieve that personal record (PR) you've been seeking. I also love how they utilize their Beat-Sync technology to change the tempo of the music in your playlist to match your pace and the customized run/walk/run ratio of your workout. However, for those of us who no longer require that training method, you have the option to eliminate the walking portion in it's entirety. This is offered in their other training programs as well. How cool is that?!  There are no other apps out there that allow you to do this. At least none that I know of.

For those looking to run their first Half Marathon, the app has a 17-week program. For my fellow vets of the 13.1, there is a 15-week speed training program available for us. Newbies to the full marathon start off with a 30-week program and then can progress to the 27-week speed training session. And like any other training program out there, you can skip ahead and begin at whichever week best suits your current running ability. You can perform this within the app itself. Note: Anyone familiar with Jeff Galloway's training will know that he uses a 3-4 day per week running program. If you desire additional mileage and/or training days, I suggest using the app as a supplement. 

I know I haven't covered everything about the apps, but here are some key highlights provided by lolofit and links to each program for more detailed information:

  • Interactive coaching advice and encouragement by Jeff Galloway while you run.
  • Includes periodic Magic Mile Test to measure your progress and dial in your pace.
  • The time goal program includes Cadence Drills, Acceleration Gliders, and Speed Interval Training sessions to improve your form as you condition your body.
  • Half point indicator to let you know when to turn around.
  • Includes GPS tracking on supported devices for FREE.
  • Works outside or on a treadmill.
  • Completely interactive. Change your workout at anytime and your coach Jeff Galloway - and your music - will respond!
  • Bonus Content: Download 15 tracks of high-energy fitness music for FREE (they've had some great techno in the past, but you can add your own playlist if you aren't into that genre). 

Half Marathon with Jeff Galloway:

Marathon with Jeff Galloway - Coming Soon!:

There are also other apps available for cross training as well. Check these out @

PLEASE NOTE: These are paid apps, but well worth the price they have listed (the Half Marathon app is $14.99). There are a lot of free training programs out there that can probably give you what you are looking for, but I do not regret any purchase that I have made in the past for one of lolofit's programs. The developers constantly provide updates and they do listen to their users.  Also, they are great about offering deep discounts for their new apps and at various times throughout the year for their older ones--sometimes for FREE. If you aren't ready to purchase the new apps for the full price, just keep checking in via the Apple App Store or on their Facebook page @ for the special pricing offer. 

Happy Running!

I am not affiliated with lolofit in any way, shape or form, nor am I getting paid to promote their products. I am just a consumer. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Game Changer: Finding the Lean, Training Plans, and Half Fanaticism

In order to become a more powerful and faster distance runner, there are a few key elements needed to achieve this goal -- a leaner, stronger body and a training plan that focuses on endurance and speed. I'm currently working on both. Since I have no summer races pending at this time, I opted to use the next few months to focus on my strength while losing a few pounds in the process. So it's back to Beachbody's P90X2. I've had the program since it's debut December 2011 and have used it on cross training (XT) days during my first round of half marathon (HM) training. I wasn't able to keep up with the P90X2/Running hybrid like I'd hoped, because of so much stress both forms of exercise puts on the body. I became too fatigued to keep up, so I had to focus more on my running and give Mr. Tony Horton (the man behind the magic) a break. Now, that I am in my "off season", I can ease up on the weekly mileage and devote my time to this awesome home fitness arsenal...and so far so good.
Property of Beachbody

This week is recovery week for Phase I of P90X2. Although, this new version of the X allows you to extend each phase for additional weeks, I've decided to stick with the traditional 90-day challenge so that I will have completed it prior to Fall HM training. I'm hoping that by that time, I will have lost a few pounds of fat and have gained increased core and upper body strength and have more powerful running legs -- something needed for those rolling hills coming my way in Spring 2013.

So, I'll continue to work on the physical for the next 60 days while using my mental agility to zero in on a new HM training plan for my goal races. I began with Hal Higdon's Novice 2 and it worked very well for me for my first two half marathons, but now it's time for me to step my game up a bit. In order to improve on my race finish time, I'll need to run more frequently and farther each week. I'm looking to build my base weekly mileage from 20-25 to a minimum of 30 mpw over the next six months. Higdon's Intermediate will get me there, but I'm also considering Ryan Hall's HM training program, since most of my online running friends are using and recommending that one. I would have to modify it a bit to fit me, but it will give me what I need and then some. I've decided to use the recovery weeks from P90X2 to test out each program before I commit. This week I will be using Higdon's Intermediate.

Property of Half Fanatics
I have quite a few races lined up for 2012-2013 and I'm attempting to be as prepared as I can to start and finish each and every one of them. My first challenge comes early this fall. I am registered to run two half marathons within 13 days of each other. And although I'm only going to "race" one and treat the other as a fun run, my efforts over the summer will determine how much it benefited me and have helped me achieve this goal. I look forward to this challenge! And also to reaping the rewards for accomplishing such a feat. No, I'm not talking about the big finisher's medals I'll receive. I'm talking about notoriety for doing something so crazy, so ridiculous (insert sarcasm). Yep! You guessed it. I'm looking to add my name to the list of Half Fanatics running loose out there in the world [Fanatic criteria]. And why not? I've discovered that I enjoy running 13.1 miles as opposed to smaller races which seem to require more out of you than a longer one. Distance is my thing now, and the general focus of my running career. But... don't look for a 26.2 race report (RR) just yet. LOL! I still have a couple more personal half marathon challenges to achieve before I reach that level of insanity (insert more sarcarsm) :-)

Happy Running!

I am not affiliated with Beachbody in any way, shape or form, nor am I getting paid to promote their product. I am just a consumer. 

2012 Races:
10/21 Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon - SC (completed)
11/3 Rock n' Roll Savannah Half Marathon - GA (completed)
Half Fanatics Here I Come! (accomplished)

2013 Races:
1/20 Charleston Half Marathon - SC (tentative)
2/24 Rock n' Roll New Orleans Half Marathon - LA (undecided)
3/9 Famously Hot Half Marathon - SC (saved for another year)
4/13 Palmetto Half Marathon - SC (undecided)
4/21 Divas Half Marathon in North Myrtle Beach - SC (undecided)
11/16 Anthem Richmond Half Marathon - VA (registered for Full Marathon)

*races have been updated 11/18/2012*